Power essay writing
Problem Solution Essay Topics College Students
Monday, August 24, 2020
E-Commerce Website Description Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Online business Website Description - Term Paper Example The exact opposite thing under the initial segment is business development and serious investigation. Under this,we take a gander at the contenders of the business and how the site quality and specialized determinations will permit it exist in the market portion. It additionally portrays the key appraisal of the customers’ needs. The following segment depicts the practical necessities of windows daze site. This joins what the framework can and should do. Every deliverable is depicted in subtleties based on the capacities to be executed. This area likewise records down all the clients and their assignments are additionally explained. The practical details are additionally isolated into specialized determinations and the non-specialized particular. The specialized particular straightforwardly addresses the necessities of the site while the non-specialized determinations help the specialized detail in the acknowledgment of the targets portrayed in the main area. The last segment presents aaa depiction of the site map and the client testing system. The webpage map shows all the pages and segments accessible in the site. It likewise depicts the fundamental functionalities of the site. It likewise incorporates the specialized particular documentation and the elements of web based business security which must be acknowledged by any internet business site. These measurements incorporate legitimacy, classification, respectability, non-renouncement and accessibility. The paper depicts how windows dazzle site accomplishes every one of these measurements. Presentation Windows dazzle online business site is a site which mechanizes business exchanges and that bargains in IT items. Its procedures are in position to accomplish five elements of internet business security which are privacy, honesty, credibility, non-renouncement and accessibility. Windows daze has three distinct clients with various benefits. These clients are the guests (non-enlisted clients), clients (e nrolled clients) and the chairmen. When the guests enter the site they are relied upon to enroll. Enlistment includes filling of structures or arrangement of client qualification which are in the long run put away in the focal database for the following login endeavors by the enrolled clients. Honesty is the capacity to guarantee that information being shown on a system or being transmitted or gotten over the Internet has not been adjusted in at any rate by an unapproved party. An internet business client can inspect message honesty if the substance are sketchy and unusual for the individual who sent it. The framework executive must arrangement with the issues of uprightness while figuring out who ought to have position to change information. The more individuals with power to change information, the more prominent the danger of respectability both outside and inside Non revocation is the capacity to guarantee that web based business parties don't deny their online activities. Windo ws Blind online business site accomplishes non disavowal by the utilization of a mediator which executes the open key cryptography to guarantee that a customer or client is confirmed before any exchange. Secrecy then again is the capacity to guarantee that the message sent over the site arrives at the planned beneficiary. Windows dazzle site accomplishes classification by a procedure known as secure electronic exchange. This procedure necessitates that the executing party gets an open key from a confided in declaration authority. Circumstance examination Presented is an internet business site known as windows
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Democracy And Human Rights Essay Example
Vote based system And Human Rights Paper Vote based system and Human Rights Democracy and human rights are plainly various thoughts; they are particular enough for them to be seen as prudent and separated political ideas. Though majority rule government expects to engage the individuals all things considered, human rights means to enable people. Essentially, human rights is straightforwardly connected with the how of administering, and not simply the who, which might be the situation in a discretionary vote based system, however not in a considerable majority rule government. Therefore, majority rule governments exist that don't really secure human rights, while some on-just states can guarantee a few, however not every single, human right. On another level, the global acknowledgment, regulating, and legitimate parts of human rights referenced above don't have any significant bearing to majority rules system. These differentiations have impacted the conventional division of the speculations and fields Of human rights and majority rule government. From the human rights point of view, many have clung to the division hypothesis, which contends that majority rules system isn't quickly required for the perception of human rights and that the upkeep of a fundamental connection between human rights and sorcery may well have the impact of postponing the usage of human rights standards in different states. An ongoing end product of the partition hypothesis is the majority rules system as neo-dominion idea that charges that popular government is a Western-driven way to deal with government that isn't found indigenously in all social orders and isn't alluring for all people groups. These contentions are dependent upon a few key counter contentions that represent the association of human rights and majority rules system. To begin with, as far as the neo-radical contention, it is absolutely evident that Western superpowers ought not force their specific types of majority rules system on different social orders and anticipate that them sho uld be acknowledged and reasonable, as noted previously. Nonetheless, it is similarly socially inhumane toward guarantee that vote based system is just an alternative in the West, or that it is inconsistent with different societies. We will compose a custom exposition test on Democracy And Human Rights explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Democracy And Human Rights explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Democracy And Human Rights explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Besides, concerning the partition hypothesis, while it is imprudent to trust that vote based system will begin advancing human rights, it should likewise be perceived that some human rights are naturally connected with foundations and standards of popular government. Moreover, isolating human rights from vote based system sabotages open doors for usage, in that it lessens human rights to guidelines or standards; as Longish states, human rights add up to minimal more than good cause in the event that they are not working in a law based structure. Basically, the tendency to isolate human rights from majority rule government is established in the acknowledgment of their customary definitions. A constituent vote based system that does not have different foundations and standards of a meaningful majority rule government can work without fundamentally ensuring human rights, similarly as some barely characterized human rights can at present be acknowledged without vote based system. Be that as it may, the re-conceptualization Of vote based system as considerable, and of human rights as being progressively sweeping and comprehensive, underscores the need of connecting the two. This reliance happens on the degrees of standard, authorization, and explicit rights. On the calculated level, as Longish notes, both contemporary liberal vote based system and human rights are gotten from and express the presumptions of progressivism, which incorporate independence, libertarianism, and universalism. Moreover, both vote based system and human rights seek after a typical plan, and it is just inside majority rule government [that] human rights principles or standards [are] rose above with the end goal that the qualities explained by these standards or norms are authentic rights. Moreover, it is just in a well-working vote based system that singular residents approach components to guarantee the execution of their privileges. The connection between human rights and majority rule government is maybe generally clear through an assessment of common and political rights, particularly those verbalized in Article 21 of the UDDER and Article 25 of the CIVIC, the two of which g uarantee resident interest in government through free and reasonable decisions and through direct assistance and support. These rights are identified with the privileges of articulation, affiliation, gathering, and development, which are additionally related with vote based system, just as the rights to freedom, security of individual, and the assurance of fair treatment of the law. Monetary, social, and social rights are additionally being progressively perceived as being commonly needy, if not essential, with majority rules system. As Gusto composes, the quest for the privilege to advancement and financial rights is emphatically connected with the social majority rule government vision of neediness annihilation and the impartial appropriation of proprietorship, control, and the advantages of riches. Without a doubt, political and social liberties can best (and maybe just) be acknowledged by residents who meet an essential degree of physical security as far as access to shield, water, sanitation, and food, just as instruction, human services, and business or pay. Socially, majority rules system is inte rrelated with rights to correspondence and non-segregation, particularly for marginalia bunches including ladies and minorities. Socially, the regard for assorted variety and pluralism characteristic to majority rule government is connected to the assurance of rights identified with draw in, religion, or ethnicity. It is hence evident that human rights and popular government are associated, particularly when characterized in the more extensive conceptualizations of vote based system as considerable majority rule government, and human rights as common, political, financial, social, and social rights. These various types of rights can't be acknowledged in a non-law based framework, and in like manner, no vote based system is supportable without the nearness of these rights. While this relationship is obvious in principle, it is maybe increasingly valuable to consider the reliance of human rights and popular government through the contextual analysis of a rising vote based system.
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Assessing Your Counselling Skills With Counselling Essay Samples
Assessing Your Counselling Skills With Counselling Essay SamplesThere are lots of assessment tools to help you in assessing your counselling skills. Counseling skills assessments can help you with the evaluation and are useful in showing improvement over time. However, there are some essay samples that do not provide evidence of your skills, so you may be at a loss for what to do next!The most common assessment tool is the simple background check, where the counselor asks some questions to get a basic idea of the potential client's personality. In this example, a general background check can be used to get a general view of the client, such as work experiences, education, interests, age, etc. This can help you make some comparisons with other people. This is not very specific, but it will give you a general idea of the characteristics of the potential client.Behaviours will involve more detailed questioning, including questions about how the client behaves when upset or feeling depre ssed. For example, this will include questions about whether the client cries when upset or shuts down in a meeting. A behaviour check also needs to be performed on the counseling skills skill selection method. Your ability to modify and adapt your decision making style and adapt your strategies will be assessed here.The assessment also includes questions about the individual's academic performance, and extracurricular activities and job related skills. These questions are all part of counselling skills assessment. When completing this, it is important to be careful and not put too much emphasis on the negative aspects.The third assessment tool is the self-interview. This requires the counselor to be able to assess your counseling skills by asking you a series of questions about your knowledge, attitudes, and goals.Other examples of assessment tools include the Well, Now! Well, Then! model. You can often use this assessment tool to get an overview of your career. This can be good to get a sense of whether you have the interpersonal skills to be successful in a particular field. This also gives you a good chance to demonstrate your strengths and weaknesses. Your past performance and level of activity in the career will also be assessed.Writing for assessment is all about getting an objective assessment that is intended to be accurate. Writing samples should not include personal judgement about your situation. All questions should be applied to the way you have done in the past and whether you have good communication skills and the ability to adapt your strategies. This will show you that you are ready to take on new challenges in your chosen career path.
Thursday, May 7, 2020
A 12th Century Renaissance Essay - 1883 Words
Renaissance is defined as the activity, spirit, or time of great revival of art, literature, and learning. Was there a twelfth-century renaissance? This is a question that still beckons an answer, and is often a topic of debate among modern historians. By definition, one can break it down: Was there a spirit of revival of a classical theme regarding the subjects mentioned above? Surely there was, and with author R.N. Swansons The Twelfth-century Renaissance as a guide, we can investigate just what that revival involved, broken into the subjects of interest. It is often hard to disassociate the word renaissance from the 14th-17th centuries, and names like Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo often spring to mind. However, we shouldnt†¦show more content†¦A pattern seems to be emerging in time with the twelfth century and ideas still proposed today. This stems from the 12th century trend of the revival of Roman law. An example of our modern day legal system can be found from thi s time: Growing procedural complexity and formalityÂ…encouraged the emergence of legal specialists, as judges, and as lawyers employable for their knowledge. Greater emphasis on record keeping, on precedent and rules, also aided the transition (Swanson 80). This is indicative of the world of modern law, stemming from the renaissance of the twelfth century and its revival of Roman traditions. With law comes politics, and By 1200, although politics were still primarily about lordship, ideological and theoretical interpretations and approaches were becoming increasingly influential (Swanson 82). The evolution of political thought and the processes of the actual installed governments of the time mainly stemmed from the new practice of record keeping. Financial records, administrative records, and law came to the forefront with the change from memory to written record. This also coincided with the change to a cash economy, perhaps the change that broke the flood gates on keeping written records in the first place, and revolutionary in its own right. Greatest of all the governmental changes was the slow shift to monarchism, as the expansion and multiplication of administrations allowed the hierarchies of rule to become more formalShow MoreRelatedThe Renaissance Essay758 Words  | 4 PagesThe Renaissance Renaissance is the period of European history that saw a renewed interest in the arts. The Renaissance began in 14th-century Italy and spread to the rest of Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries. In this period, the fragmented feudal society of the Middle Ages, with its agricultural economy and church-dominated intellectual and cultural life, was transformed into a society increasingly dominated by central political institutions, with an urban, commercial economy and lay patronageRead MoreThe Transition Of Art, Music, And Literature From The Gothic Age Through The Renaissance1261 Words  | 6 PagesGothic age through the Renaissance. Talk about the development of art, architecture, music, or literature during this period, the significant issues, technologies, or styles, and some of the cultural or social influences. Finally, list at least six individuals and their work that provides examples from your discussion.†Comprehensive Essay The transition of art (incorporating the art spanning from paintings and architecture) from the Gothic Age all the way to the High Renaissance was, in my opinion;Read MoreThe Transition Of Art, Music, And Literature From The Gothic Age Through The Renaissance1261 Words  | 6 PagesGothic age through the Renaissance. Talk about the development of art, architecture, music, or literature during this period, the significant issues, technologies, or styles, and some of the cultural or social influences. Finally, list at least six individuals and their work that provides examples from your discussion.†Comprehensive Essay The transition of art (incorporating the art spanning from paintings and architecture) from the Gothic Age all the way to the High Renaissance was, in my opinion;Read MoreThe Renissance was a Cultural Movement of Humanism718 Words  | 3 PagesThe Renaissance was a cultural movement that spanned the period roughly from the 14th to 17th century, beginning in Italy in the Late Middle Ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. The term renaissance came from the French word meaning rebirth. The defining concept of the Renaissance was humanism. Humanism was a distinct movement because it broke from the medieval tradition of having pious religious motivation for creating art or works of literature. The Renaissance humanism was a collectionRead MoreArt in the Middle Ages and The Renaissance and Its Effect in Society1017 Words  | 5 PagesThe Medieval period also referred to as the Middle Ages was the period of time between the demise of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance era; this was the period from the 5th century to the 17th century in Europe. During this time, society conformed to the feudal system which was based on the hierarchy approach which upper class had control over the lower class. Included in this class structure were kings, lords, neighboring kings, peasants and church leaders. In the Middle Ages, art evolvesRead MoreEducational System in the 12th and 13th Centuries1226 Words  | 5 PagesIn the 12th and 13th centuries, ideas and attitudes regarding education began to change considerably, gaining supreme importance, and in due course leading to an intellectual revolution in the foreseeable 14th century. The main reason for this advancement was the establishment of more towns, resulting in an increased necessity of formal education; Therefore, In 800, although it did not happen immediately, Charlemagne ordered that every town in the â€Å"Holy Roman Empire†shall establish a school. WithRead MoreThe History of Gothic Architecture in Italy Essay1711 Words  | 7 PagesThese places includes; Notre Dame de Paris in 1163, Amiens Cathedral in 1220, and Sainte- Chappelle in 1243. in these places the windows were enlarged with extensive use of stain glass, which attained the level of its development in the 12th and 13th centuries in Chartres and Saint e-Chapelle. Sculpture in the exteriors and interior of these churches were decorated. Large figures of the kings were placed in the frontage, while the entrance were lined by the pillar – statues of saints, angels andRead MoreEssay Middle Ages Renaissance Study Guide (Unit 2)1098 Words  | 5 Pagesaround Easter and others at Christmastime; they are proper or appropriate, only at certain times. 12. What is the Ordinary of the Mass? Parts of the mass celebrated at any season of the year or time of the day. 13. Who is Hildegard of Bignen? 12th century Benedictine abbess who was a composer of sacred song and chant 14. When did composers begin to write polyphonic pieces? What was this early polyphony like? 15. What is a canon? Polyphonic composition in which all the voices perform the sameRead MoreSummary of Medieval and Renaissance Criticism1505 Words  | 7 PagesSummary of Medieval and Renaissance Criticism Submitted by R. Zothanmawia V Semester BA R/no: 1101BA005 MEDIEVAL CRITICISM The period between the Classical Age and the Renaissance is vaguely named the Middle Age or the Medieval Age. In England, this period spans eight centuries and historians place it from the year of composition of Beowulf in 725 AD to 1474 AD when Caxton published the first book ever printed. The only standard work that dealt with Medieval Criticism is English Literary Criticism:Read MoreBackground Information Of The Reformation And Definition961 Words  | 4 Pagesa thousand years, and set in motion a train of revolution, war and conflict that would reshape Western civilization, and lift it out of the Dark Ages.†Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1563) was a Dutch born scholar who actively supported the Northern Renaissance philosophy of Christian Humanism. Christian Humanism â€Å"emphasized human dignity, beauty, and potential, and reacted against the religious authoritarianism of the Catholic Church†by using â€Å"the principles of classical learning to focus on biblical
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cloning and Ethical Issues Free Essays
Essay on cloning and ethical issues that immediatly Subject : cloning and ethics come up when talking about it. Completed: 8/11/2012 Due:9/11/2012 Numerous articles appeared in the newspapers about one particular sheep, born in 1996. Her name, as you may have figured out, was Dolly. We will write a custom essay sample on Cloning and Ethical Issues or any similar topic only for you Order Now She was special as she was the first sheep to be cloned entirely by humans. The cloning of this sheep raised a lot of questions. The most important ones being â€Å"why would we do clone a living animal†and â€Å"can we clone humans too†. Of course these questions do not only require a scientific answer, but also an ethical answer as we are talking about living creatures. First of all: how exactly can you clone living organisms? There are three main types of cloning. DNA cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. DNA cloning or recombinant DNA technology is to transfer one piece of DNA into something that can duplicate himself. Bacterial plasmid, viruses and also yeast chromosomes are used for this as they are able to duplicate easily. The DNA fragment containing the gene which is needed is isolated using enzymes, and after that it will be transferred to the bacterial plasmid using once again enzymes. After that the bacterial plasmid starts multiplying, and the outcome will be one certain fragment. Reproductive cloning was how Dolly came to earth: the nucleus of a donor adult cell is placed in an egg cell without nucleus. This cell will then need chemicals or an electric current to stimulate cell division. If it has indeed started dividing it will need to be placed in a uterus where it continues till the animal gives birth. Therapeutic cloning, sometimes referred to as embryo cloning, is the production of human stem cells for use in research. This isn’t used at all to create cloned human beings, it’s just for the research because Stem cells are quite important. Stem cells aren’t specified yet so they can chance into any kind of cell depending on what scientists want to research on. Now you may ask what this has to do with the whole â€Å"can we clone humans†and the ethical and moral issues. Can we clone humans using the DNA cloning? No. But we can use it to create new medicines or vaccines as this method can nly be used for certain parts of DNA and not the whole of it. Reproductive Cloning could, theoretically, be used for cloning humans. In real life however this technique wouldn’t be used because it’s expensive and has a really low rate of success. There were hundreds of failed clones, several dead fetuses and horribly deformed animals before the scientists h ad Dolly. Most scientists do not feel that this is good for cloning as it is far to risky and also we do not know a lot about this technique either. Therapeutic cloning can be used for parts of the body containing the same set of cells. You could for instance and theoretically seen once again, clone a kidney. There are however a lot of risks such as the fetal tissue dying, or tissue rejection if you actually create an organ. It’s not possible to clone entire human beings as there is little known about cloning and the human body is just far to complex to be created in a laboratory. So most scientists agree that it is not possible yet to clone entire human beings. Most of these scientists highly doubt that it would be possible in the near future to clone entire human beings, but there are always the â€Å"what if†questions. What if it was possible, what would happen then? The advantage would be that there are no more donors needed and everybody can live longer and happier. But killing a clone for a transplant, wouldn’t that be considered murder? After all you would kill someone who is composed out of the same DNA as you. This raises another question, how would you treat the clones? The same DNA, the same needs. Should the parents of the child or teenager, or adults themselves take care of their own clone or would the clone be raised by some sort of company? These are most what if questions and to be quite honest I believe that we shouldn’t clone human beings. There are always people who would want to abuse this technology. This abusing can take many forms: people who have access to all information could either sell or keep it, to create a position for themselves which may result in a lot of income inequality. But that isn’t the only disadvantages. Imagine that there will be clones, it would surely narrow down the gene diversity which we have created over the years. Excessive cloning could cause a loss of the diversity and therefore we might be less resistant against bacteria, viruses etc. Not only biological but also the ethical questions show that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. The benefits of cloning (parts of) humans being that we wouldn’t need any more donors, or we could do research on organs without having to use humans themselves. The disadvantages are that we would abuse the power once again. If we could clone entire humans that would be defying the rights to live freely. There would be loss of gene diversity which would be contradictory to all that shaped us. After all living is survival of the fittest. Victoria Smit ( 5vf) Sources: http://www. ornl. gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning. shtml http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cloning http://www. geneticsandsociety. org/article. php? list=typetype=59 http://learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/tech/cloning/whatiscloning/ http://thefarnsworths. com/science/cloning. htm Movie the fifth element ( actually not a source but wort watching! ) repo men ( about the disadvantages of cloning organs. Also not really a source but worth watching! ) How to cite Cloning and Ethical Issues, Essay examples Cloning and Ethical Issues Free Essays Essay on cloning and ethical issues that immediatly Subject : cloning and ethics come up when talking about it. Completed: 8/11/2012 Due:9/11/2012 Numerous articles appeared in the newspapers about one particular sheep, born in 1996. Her name, as you may have figured out, was Dolly. We will write a custom essay sample on Cloning and Ethical Issues or any similar topic only for you Order Now She was special as she was the first sheep to be cloned entirely by humans. The cloning of this sheep raised a lot of questions. The most important ones being â€Å"why would we do clone a living animal†and â€Å"can we clone humans too†. Of course these questions do not only require a scientific answer, but also an ethical answer as we are talking about living creatures. First of all: how exactly can you clone living organisms? There are three main types of cloning. DNA cloning, reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. DNA cloning or recombinant DNA technology is to transfer one piece of DNA into something that can duplicate himself. Bacterial plasmid, viruses and also yeast chromosomes are used for this as they are able to duplicate easily. The DNA fragment containing the gene which is needed is isolated using enzymes, and after that it will be transferred to the bacterial plasmid using once again enzymes. After that the bacterial plasmid starts multiplying, and the outcome will be one certain fragment. Reproductive cloning was how Dolly came to earth: the nucleus of a donor adult cell is placed in an egg cell without nucleus. This cell will then need chemicals or an electric current to stimulate cell division. If it has indeed started dividing it will need to be placed in a uterus where it continues till the animal gives birth. Therapeutic cloning, sometimes referred to as embryo cloning, is the production of human stem cells for use in research. This isn’t used at all to create cloned human beings, it’s just for the research because Stem cells are quite important. Stem cells aren’t specified yet so they can chance into any kind of cell depending on what scientists want to research on. Now you may ask what this has to do with the whole â€Å"can we clone humans†and the ethical and moral issues. Can we clone humans using the DNA cloning? No. But we can use it to create new medicines or vaccines as this method can nly be used for certain parts of DNA and not the whole of it. Reproductive Cloning could, theoretically, be used for cloning humans. In real life however this technique wouldn’t be used because it’s expensive and has a really low rate of success. There were hundreds of failed clones, several dead fetuses and horribly deformed animals before the scientists h ad Dolly. Most scientists do not feel that this is good for cloning as it is far to risky and also we do not know a lot about this technique either. Therapeutic cloning can be used for parts of the body containing the same set of cells. You could for instance and theoretically seen once again, clone a kidney. There are however a lot of risks such as the fetal tissue dying, or tissue rejection if you actually create an organ. It’s not possible to clone entire human beings as there is little known about cloning and the human body is just far to complex to be created in a laboratory. So most scientists agree that it is not possible yet to clone entire human beings. Most of these scientists highly doubt that it would be possible in the near future to clone entire human beings, but there are always the â€Å"what if†questions. What if it was possible, what would happen then? The advantage would be that there are no more donors needed and everybody can live longer and happier. But killing a clone for a transplant, wouldn’t that be considered murder? After all you would kill someone who is composed out of the same DNA as you. This raises another question, how would you treat the clones? The same DNA, the same needs. Should the parents of the child or teenager, or adults themselves take care of their own clone or would the clone be raised by some sort of company? These are most what if questions and to be quite honest I believe that we shouldn’t clone human beings. There are always people who would want to abuse this technology. This abusing can take many forms: people who have access to all information could either sell or keep it, to create a position for themselves which may result in a lot of income inequality. But that isn’t the only disadvantages. Imagine that there will be clones, it would surely narrow down the gene diversity which we have created over the years. Excessive cloning could cause a loss of the diversity and therefore we might be less resistant against bacteria, viruses etc. Not only biological but also the ethical questions show that the disadvantages outweigh the benefits. The benefits of cloning (parts of) humans being that we wouldn’t need any more donors, or we could do research on organs without having to use humans themselves. The disadvantages are that we would abuse the power once again. If we could clone entire humans that would be defying the rights to live freely. There would be loss of gene diversity which would be contradictory to all that shaped us. After all living is survival of the fittest. Victoria Smit ( 5vf) Sources: http://www. ornl. gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/elsi/cloning. shtml http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cloning http://www. geneticsandsociety. org/article. php? list=typetype=59 http://learn. genetics. utah. edu/content/tech/cloning/whatiscloning/ http://thefarnsworths. com/science/cloning. htm Movie the fifth element ( actually not a source but wort watching! ) repo men ( about the disadvantages of cloning organs. Also not really a source but worth watching! ) How to cite Cloning and Ethical Issues, Papers
Monday, April 27, 2020
The destruction of the human s Essay Example For Students
The destruction of the human s Essay The human spirit is one of the most beautiful forces in the world, but it is also one of the most vulnerable.In the novels Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde, this idea of the human spirit is portrayed clearly.Both novels have similar aspects about the human spirit, but they also have their differences.Both novels have main characters who are influenced greatly by someone that they admire, and they are destroyed by that influence.The difference that these novels have is that in Frankenstein, the main character is influenced and destroyed by something he creates himself, while in The Picture of Dorian Grey, the main character is influenced and destroyed by his friend and mentor.Again, both novels portray the human spirits motivation and vulnerability. We will write a custom essay on The destruction of the human s specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now In the novel Frankenstein, Victor, the main character, is driven to insanity and death by his motivation, his own creation.He dedicates all of his time and knowledge to create a living human being from dead tissue.This monster becomes his motivation and influence throughout the rest of the novel.Victor blames himself and feels guilt for all of the crimes that the monster commits, and becomes sick and sorrowful.For example, the monster kills Victors youngest brother William, and he takes the blame and feels the guilt for it.Another example from the novel is when the monster starts to become familiar with the little beauties and simplicities of life, but begins to realize that society rejects him because of his revolting appearance.This is due to Victors ignorance of the monsters feelings and knowledge, because Victor never told the monster what he was, a hideous and revolting creature.Victor blames himself for these innocent crimes committed by the monster that he created and silently goes crazy, then dies from becoming very ill.Before his death, Victor asked his friend Walton to kill the monster, because he didnt have the strength.His motivation, the monster, drove him to the brink of insanity and eventually death. In the novel The Picture of Dorian Grey, Dorian, the novels main character, is influenced greatly by his friend and mentor, Lord Henry, and kills himself because he listens to everything that Lord Henry says and believes it.For example, Dorian explains to Lord Henry that he went out to the country and became a changed man, a good man.He had killed Basil and admitted to Lord Henry that he did so.Lord Henry mocks him and doesnt believe him.Lord Henry tells him that a human cannot change no matter what.Dorian refuses to believe him but cant help the fact that Lord Henry might be correct about it.But still, Dorian believes that he is a good man.Later on, Dorian looks at the picture that caused him to kill Basil, a picture of himself.He realizes that Lord Henry was right about the fact that a human cannot change, but still believes that he can end his guilt of the murder by destroying the horrid portrait of himself, so he stabs his own heart and dies, leaving the beautiful painting behind .Lord Henry, his friend and mentor, caused Dorian to believe that he will always be a bad person, thus causing him to kill himself. Both of the novels portray the motivation and vulnerability of the human spirit but they do it in different ways.In Frankenstein Victor, being a very motivated scientist, basically creates his own doom, being that the monster became his infatuation and influence over everything that happens beyond the moment when the monster first opened his eyes.This aspect of influence is different from The Picture of Dorian Grey because, in the novel, Dorian is destroyed by someone that he believes and trusts, his friend and mentor.Throughout the novel, Dorian converses with Lord Henry, and takes everything that Lord Henry said seriously, even though not everything that Lord Henry said was right. Basically, the difference that these two novels have over the idea that the human spirit is a very strong, but vulnerable force is that a persons motivation to do something great and his infatuation with that great thing will influence the spirit greatly, sometimes totally, and that believing in someone a nd somebody so much, no matter what they say, you will listen to them and let them have total control over you and your actions, even though that influence probably doesnt know that.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Rights and Benefits of Full US Citizenship
Rights and Benefits of Full US Citizenship Many of the benefits of U.S. citizenship, such as the assurances of equal protection under the law and due process of law are granted by the U.S. Constitution and federal laws to both citizens and non-citizens living as lawful permanent residents in the United States. Immigrants to the United States who pass the civics examination and take the Oath of Allegiance to complete the naturalization process of achieving full U.S. citizenship gain the full protection of the U.S. Constitution, along with several rights and benefits denied even to immigrants with long-time legal permanent resident status. At the same time, the benefits of U.S. citizenship do not come without some important responsibilities. Benefits of Citizenship While the U.S. Constitution and laws of the United States give many rights to both citizens and non-citizens living in the United States, some rights are only for citizens. Some of the most important benefits of citizenship are: Sponsorship of Relatives for Permanent Resident Status Persons holding full U.S. Citizenship are allowed to sponsor their immediate relatives - parents, spouses and unmarried minor children - for U.S. Legal Permanent Resident (Green Card) status without waiting for a visa. Citizens may also, if visas are available, sponsor other relatives, including: Unmarried sons and daughters, 21 years of age and older, of U.S. citizens;spouses and children (unmarried and under 21 years of age) of lawful permanent residents;unmarried sons and daughters, 21 years of age and older, of a lawful permanent resident;married sons and daughters of U.S. citizens; andbrothers and sisters of U.S. citizens (if the U.S. citizen is 21 years of age and older). Obtaining Citizenship for Children Born Abroad In most cases, a child born abroad to a U.S. citizen is automatically deemed to be a U.S. citizen. In general, children born abroad to U.S. citizen parents may obtain full U.S. citizenship either at birth or and after birth but before the age of 18. Congress has enacted laws that determine how citizenship is conveyed by a U.S. citizen parent (or parents) to children born outside of the United States. In general, the law requires that at the time of the child’s birth, at least one parent was a U.S. citizen, and the U.S. citizen parent had lived in the United States for a period of time. Becoming Eligible for Federal Government Jobs Most jobs with federal government agencies require applicants to be U.S. citizens. Travel and Passport Naturalized U.S. citizens may possess a U.S. passport, are protected from deportation, and have the right to travel and live abroad without the threat of losing their Legal Permanent Resident status. Citizens are also allowed to re-enter the U.S. repeatedly without being required to re-establish proof of admissibility. In addition, citizens are not required to update their address of residence with the U.S. Customs and Immigration Services (USCIS) every time they move. A U.S. passport also allows citizens to get assistance from the U.S. government when traveling overseas. Naturalized U.S. citizens become eligible for a wide range of benefits and assistance programs offered by the government, including Social Security and Medicare. Voting and Participation in the Electoral Process Perhaps most importantly, naturalized U.S. citizens gain the right to vote, and to run for and hold all elected government positions, except for President of the United States. Showing Patriotism In addition, becoming a U.S. citizen is a way for new citizens to demonstrate their commitment to America. Responsibilities of Citizenship The Oath of Allegiance to the United States includes several promises immigrants make when they become U.S. citizens, including promises to: Give up all prior allegiance to any other nation or sovereignty;Swear allegiance to the United States;Support and defend the Constitution and the laws of the United States; andServe the country when required. All U.S. citizens have many responsibilities other than the ones mentioned in the Oath. Citizens have a responsibility to participate in the political process by registering and voting in elections; Serving on juries is another responsibility of citizenship;Finally, America becomes stronger when all of its citizens respect the different opinions, cultures, ethnic groups, and religions found in this country. Tolerance for these differences is also a responsibility of citizenship.
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